Friday, April 17, 2009

What's Up with the Naniloa Nihipali's

It's been a few months since our last entry; All is well with the Nihipali Ohana.
Just want to give an update on the Naniloa Nihipali Troop. Winter Semester At BYU-Hawaii is over; Spring Semester begins next week. It's a new term this year and all is happening very quickly.

Kaluna received his Super Raider award on April 13 - for the month of March 2009; He's started playing baseball for the Rebels Minors Little League Team. Hit a Home Run. Kapua is in school and making the best of it; Moani is doing well at BYU-Hawaii Campus; And Duke and Kamaile are busy as ever with the PAL Baseball League and working at BYU-Hawaii Campus.

We are all doing the best that we can to make sure that everyone is doing okay. Last buy not least Elder Nihipali is doing well on his mission and working hard in bringing in at least "one soul" to reap the blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ.