Monday, May 18, 2009

Missionary At Work

This is the latest picture sent by Elder Nihipali in the Ogden Utah Mission. As you can see he is busy; The field is ripe and ready to harvest! He is enjoying the Lord's work and we are happy that he is happy doing it!!!!

Ladies of the 80's Night at Neal Blaisdell Arena

For mothers day this year Duke and I went to the Ladies of the 80's concert held at the Neal Blaisdell Arena!!! It was so cool! And I must say it was neat to see that over the years they all have their own goals and desires to accomplish and have completed their goals as well.

It was refreshing to see that they have important values and important causes to be involved in. The picture is a bit blurry - but it was a good concert. And they think like mothers because the couldn't stay out longer then 10:00 pm. That was Awesome!!!! If you look to side bar we have one picture of this evening!!! They even got to learn how to do the "hukilau on stage" - My husband and to hold me back from running on stage.

May Day is Lei Day in Hawaii

May Day is Lei Day in Hawaii! - The Young Lady to the right was the Kahuku Elementary School May Day Queen. The picture are of her sisters and friend that participated in the 2009 May Day Activity held at the Cannon Activity Center. Our Kaluna also participated in the 3rd Grade Motown activity.