We're past the half way mark of year 2010; And the year is going by like "easy come easy go". In June we've had to enjoy a Baseball tournament in Kauai and the Keiki Hula competition at the Neal Blaisdell Center; In July, our Ohana has enjoyed our annual Ward Camp and Hukilau Beach; Last but not least in August - school is back in session and this year we have the pleasure of sending Kaluna to the HALOS Football camp;
With our daughter Karen and her husband Nolo experiencing their married life in the Temple View Apartements, and our son Elder Tyrell Nihipali out on his mission in Ogden, Utah, the Mister and Misses have been working hard and keeping our jobs, providing care for our special need daughters and making sure that Kaluna is keeping up with his academics.
With all the activities we have endured there were also medical challenges for our Kapua that also required much perserverance. Her G-tube profile popped out while having a good time at Ward camp, and not knowing that it fell out, mother dearest needed to play nurse and think quickly of how to keep her hole in her stomach open; Of course, it take an event such as this to not panic right? Right!!! So, using the emergency kit given to me by the Continence nurse at Kapiolani, the training somehow came flooding back to me and everything I needed to do, I was able to do; Putting a new catherter in her, plugging it to keep the acid from her tummy from rolling out, making sure that the catherter balloon is working were all part of "what to do" when caring for a situation such as this.
Both Duke and I were amazed that through the whole event, Kapua was just "cruz'in". No crying to sign of discomfort and no sign of pain. You can imagine how grateful we were that nothing major was bothering her, but truly a blessing from both our perspectives. Now that school is back in session; Kapua is not been able to go back to school but not fear she will be going back to school next week.
So, my friends time has flown by since the last post; And only with good cheer and a positive attitude I leave you all a great 6 more months (well 4 months really since it's already August); The Nihipali Ohana await our next biggest even which is Elder Nihipali's Homecoming; It will be a great transition for him, I know it will, but it's best that he keep busy at all times; But we can't wait til he returns home. His return will be a beginning of a new chapter in the Nihipali's of 549 Naniloa Loop.