Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It's Official Elder Nihipali Reports to the MTC!!!

Dec 31 (New Years Eve) - The big day has arrived. Elder Tyrell Keliimauloa Nihipali reported to the MTC with 350 other missionaries reporting today as well. Today at 12:05 pm, Elder Nihipali checked in to the Missionary Training Center and received his official Missionary name tag and he begins his missionary service today.

While taking his luggage he saw Elder Ross Salanoa on his way to wash clothes. And he met up with Elder Michael Heffernan reporting an hour before. It was an awesome sight to see Brothers and Sisters ready to serve the Lord.

Elder Nihipali met other first time missionaries from Aiea, and also Pukalani, Maui; We want to thank the Bergau family, the Hanohano's, the Ika's, the Abrahams, the Taula's and the Au's in Utah for coming to the MTC and visiting with Elder Nihipali before walking down the aisle of the Wilford Woodruff Building.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Night At the Ika's House

December 30 - Tuesday

One more day before Elder Nihipali goes into the MTC; Staying at Comfort Inn & Suites is the best thing we did. Staying close by to the stores and places we need to get to was the best thing ever.

Our first chore today was to deliver some goodies at BYU Provo Campus with Kamaile's OIT (Office of Information Technology) Office Staff; Then we headed over to the Missionary Training Center, We'll take more pictures at the MTC tomorrow Dec 31st. We visited with Robert Anae at his home and did some "talking story" about football and the flood;
Lastly, we had dinner at the Ika Home in Provo. We spent time with kids (Tevita, Spencer, Makeili, and Sepi) and also our friends Paula and Lupe. They are doing fine in Utah. There other daughter Feli is in Hawaii at BYU-Hawaii Campus preparing for the girls basketball season.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sunday in Salt Lake City

Sunday Dec 28, 2008 - This is the day after we landed in Utah; It was 32 degrees in Salt Lake City, Tyrell and I are standing at the Liberty 4th Ward Chapel which is a block away from where we are staying at the Raddison Hotel downtown Salt Lake City; The snow on the ground was from Friday evening; They had 10 inches of snow before we came. Dad was eager to take our pictures with the snow on the christmas tree where he says you only see on a christmas card.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Update on the Missionary

Review the comments on the Missionary Checklist posting; A few of the supplies that he needs have been purchased and items on his list of supplies needed have been removed; The time is getting near for him to leave and we want to thank everyone for their support.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Checklist for the Missionary

The newly called missionary has been asked to post a list of items that he needs. Here are the remaining items that he going to need help with getting here at home in Hawaii.

  • Flashlight w/ Batteries
  • In-expensive watch
  • Wind-up clock
  • Shoe shine kit
  • 30 SPF Sunscreen
  • Lip Balm
  • (10) Garments

All of his other things will be picked up in Utah. They are already on order and he just needs to appear at the store for his fitting.

He will be travelling light on his way to Utah to keep the cost down and will pick up everything else that he needs when he arrives in Salt Lake City and/or Provo.

For those of you who wish to financially contribute to Tyrell's mission please make all checks payable to and forward all monetary donations to: Duke K. Nihipali, P.O.Box 250, Laie, HI 96762.

We appreciate all the love and support given to this young man and may god bless to all who continue to contribute to this cause.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Laie Boy is called to "Ogden Utah"

On Oct 31, 2008 - Tyrell Keliimauloa Nihipali received his mission call to the State of Utah. He will be serving in the Ogden Utah Mission. We want to give a Mahalo nui to all those families that have helped guide and direct Tyrell to this point in his life. And we want to give a shout out to the families close to our ohana for their love.

We are happy that Tyrell has made this decision to serve his Heavenly Father and wish the best for him in his preparation. He reports to the Missionary Training Center on December 31. Mahalo nui kakou.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fall Happenings in the Nihipali Ohana

Aloha Ohana -

As the month of October is winding down and Halloween is around the corner, A great deal of things have been happening with the 549 Nihipali Ohana in Laie;

First things first -
  1. Tyrell has finally received his interview with President Hafoka in getting his Mission papers sent in to the church office. We should be hearing soon, the first week of November 2008, what the Lord has in store;

  2. Karen has been busy with school, work, and also with a new friend. I'm sure those of you who have access to viewing her "Facebook" you have already met her new friend. If not, meet her new friend Nolo Lavaki; He's a return missionary and has asked her to the BYU-Hawaii Campus Fall Ball.

  3. Kaluna is working hard with school and also spending time with his Dad practicing baseball; On Sunday Oct 24 Kaluna participated in the Annual Primary Program. All the keiki's, cuz'ins and friends within our Ward participated in this program. The children did a great job.

  4. Kapua and Moani are doing just fine. With Halloween coming up, Kapua will be dressing up for school and Moani will be helping at home with the halloween treats.

Like I said, it's been a busy fall semester and everyone is doing their best to keep up with times, keep up with our challenges, and try and still "Serve".

Monday, October 13, 2008

2007 Memories - What a Difference A Year Makes

It is now 2008, and what a difference a year makes. Before the Fall 2007 School Year began, a family "Paina" was going on at the 549 Nihipali's Home. Graduation Party for Tyrell K. Nihipali was "Go'in On!" - This is one of the many moments we find Tyrell's Uncles kicking back, Uncle Clint, Uncle Alvin, And Uncle Sam.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Daze at Punalu'u

Dis is "Remember Da Kine Daze" Month - We had fun living on the farm in Punalu'u. The grass was green, the rain was wet, the ponds were full with fish.

The animals were plentiful and feeding the animals were fun and hard work. These memories are precious to us. We thank Heavenly Father for allowing us this time to "malama ka aina". We will never forget and we will always appreciate God's creations.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Back to School @ BYU Hawaii

Fall Semester at BYU-Hawaii has started and the Naniloa Nihipali's are back to school in a new Semester; Duke and Karen are both taking classes and have very little to complete. The road is long but they see the light at the end of tunnel;

Duke is taking a program class, and Karen is finishing her major in Art! If all goes well for Karen she would finish at the end of the year in June 2009; But the new Fall Semester has started and they are doing great so far!!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Back to School - Kahuku Intermediate & Elementary

Kids are back in school. Kapua is at Kahuku High & Intermediate and in the 7th grade. Kaluna is at Kahuku Elementary still and he is in the 3rd grade; It's already Labor Day and Kaluna will prepare for the new Baseball Year!!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

More Keiki Hula 2008 - Kaikamahine

The Kaikamahine or hula girls entered as well this year in the Kahiko Division; They looked really pretty; Kaluna's cuzin's on the Kekuoakalani and Nihipali side participated in this competition as well. See if you can tell who they are. He has two cuzin's on the Nihipali side and one cuzin on the Kekuaokalani side. Did you guess?

Kaluna & Keiki Hula 2008

This is Kaluna's first year dancing at Keiki Hula 2008; The boys won 3rd place in this years Keiki Kane Auana Division; Congratulations Boys!!!! And good job Kaluna for participating.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Sa and Me

Just my cuzin Sa and I kicking back at my party; She got evidence of chocolate all over her mouth; Did you save me some Baby Sa!
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Kapua and Mom

Mom and I outside under the tent waiting for the party to begin. It was a nice day. We had my favorite "Spaghetti"
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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Kapua's Cake on Saturday

Everyone in the family came to Kapua's birthday; she had her cuzins from the Kekuaokalani and the Nihipali side come and celebrate her 12th birthday.
We have a few pictures of her family that joined the "Paina" -

Friday, June 20, 2008

Kapua's Burfday - June 21 - Saturday

It's Pua's birthday this Saturday June 21; Sister Karen and the rest of the Ohana will be celebrating 12 years for Kapua; Uncle DJ and Aunty Jen will be here from Florida. The rest of the Ohana will be celebrating this occassion at our home.

Just Getting Start . . .

To all you bloggers out there! We're just getting started . . .
Check us out over the next few months and see "Was'up wit Dah Naniloa Nihipali's"