Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It's Official Elder Nihipali Reports to the MTC!!!

Dec 31 (New Years Eve) - The big day has arrived. Elder Tyrell Keliimauloa Nihipali reported to the MTC with 350 other missionaries reporting today as well. Today at 12:05 pm, Elder Nihipali checked in to the Missionary Training Center and received his official Missionary name tag and he begins his missionary service today.

While taking his luggage he saw Elder Ross Salanoa on his way to wash clothes. And he met up with Elder Michael Heffernan reporting an hour before. It was an awesome sight to see Brothers and Sisters ready to serve the Lord.

Elder Nihipali met other first time missionaries from Aiea, and also Pukalani, Maui; We want to thank the Bergau family, the Hanohano's, the Ika's, the Abrahams, the Taula's and the Au's in Utah for coming to the MTC and visiting with Elder Nihipali before walking down the aisle of the Wilford Woodruff Building.

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