Monday, November 24, 2008

Checklist for the Missionary

The newly called missionary has been asked to post a list of items that he needs. Here are the remaining items that he going to need help with getting here at home in Hawaii.

  • Flashlight w/ Batteries
  • In-expensive watch
  • Wind-up clock
  • Shoe shine kit
  • 30 SPF Sunscreen
  • Lip Balm
  • (10) Garments

All of his other things will be picked up in Utah. They are already on order and he just needs to appear at the store for his fitting.

He will be travelling light on his way to Utah to keep the cost down and will pick up everything else that he needs when he arrives in Salt Lake City and/or Provo.

For those of you who wish to financially contribute to Tyrell's mission please make all checks payable to and forward all monetary donations to: Duke K. Nihipali, P.O.Box 250, Laie, HI 96762.

We appreciate all the love and support given to this young man and may god bless to all who continue to contribute to this cause.


Nihipali Ohana said...

Aunty Hazel wrote:"I bought two twin sets of bedding, two towels, handcloths and washcloths and one pajama bottom."

So, We can scratch these items off the list;

Nihipali Ohana said...

Tyrell wrote: "Picked up a black coat and 2 slacks with the coat" - Will pick up the other coat and pair of slacks at Mr. Mac in Utah."